Acute Tooth Aches

The definition of the word 'Pain' varies from person to person. But in general, the more interested in your teeth, the less likely it is to have pain. The main cause of acute tooth pain is deep caries or gum disease. Take care of your teeth properly to avoid caries and gum infections and thus avoid pain. There are many causes of toothache, all of which are annoying. The best way to know the cause of pain is to know the type of tooth pain and its severity.
1What are the causes of acute toothache?
There are several causes of severe toothache, the most important of which are:
Pain when eating cold, hot or sugary foods or drinks:
- This pain is caused by gaps in age due to caries. Food or beverages enter the tooth and stir the nerve causing pain. In its early days the pain lasts a few seconds to a minute.
- The treatment of this condition is to clean the tooth from decay and put a filling to close the hole.
Acute pain without any cause or acute pain during sleep:
- This pain is caused by the arrival of caries to the nerve.
- This pain can be eliminated in one of the following two treatments:
Nerve treatment or tooth dislocation. Treatment depends on the extent of tooth decay. If the decay is widespread and destroys a large proportion of the structure of the tooth, the solution is to take off the tooth. If the tooth is repaired, the best treatment is to treat the nerve and then repair the tooth.
Severe pain when chewing (when the teeth apply to each other:
Several causes can lead to this pain, the most important of which are:
- Having a broken tooth or root of the tooth.
- Acute inflammation at the root of the tooth.
Acute pain when brushing teeth
- As the health condition of the gums deteriorates due to neglect or due to age, the gums recede and the roots of sensitive teeth are revealed. Touching the toothbrush with these roots or touching the mattress with inflamed gums causes this pain.
- If the pain is caused by gum disease, treatment begins with cleaning it at the dentist and following his instructions. If the pain is the result of the mattress touching the sensitive tooth roots, using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth for at least a week will solve the problem. Check with your dentist to find out the best paste for your condition.
2At what stage of tooth ache should I see the dentist?
You should check with your dentist as soon as possible when:
- The pain of your teeth lasts for more than a day or two.
- The pain of your teeth is severe and unbearable.
- You feel a rise in your temperature.
- Ear pain.
- You can't open your mouth normally.
Visiting your dentist and then providing appropriate pain treatment is the most important thing to do. Treat the cause of pain as soon as possible to avoid the pain of your teeth spreading to other parts of your face and head or the inflammation that causes the pain may spread through the circulatory system.
What happens when visiting a dentist?
Your dentist will seek your previous health check and will receive a thorough medical examination. Your doctor will ask you some questions about your toothache.
These questions range from:
- When did you start to feel pain?
- How much pain?
- Where exactly do you feel pain?
- What factors make your pain worse?
- What helps you relieve pain removal?
Your dentist will examine:
- Your face
- Your mouth
- Your teeth
- Your Gums
- Your Jaw
- Your tongue
- Your throat
- Your mouth cavities
- Your ears
- Your nose
- Your neck
The severity of your teeth pain determines how your doctor relieves the pain, and your doctor may need to use X-rays, which is an important way to do medical examinations.
3How to avoid toothache?
Since most tooth aches are caused by caribou or gum disease, following oral and dental hygiene guidelines will play a major role in reducing your risk of tooth aches.
These habits include:
- Brush teeth regularly using fluoride toothpaste.
- Cleaning with dental floss at least once a day.
- Check with your dentist at least twice a year to take care of your teeth and clean them in a healthy and medical way.
- In addition to these healthy habits, you should also reduce sugary foods and consult your dentist about the best fluoride treatment.