
The main factor for getting a bright and healthy smile during adulthood is to practice healthy oral and dental habits. Adults are not excluded from tooth decay or gum disease of all kinds, which can lead to bitter problems.
Throughout adulthood, an adult must adhere to the following health habits:
- Brush teeth at least twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque (a thin, sticky layer that accumulates on the teeth causing decay).
- Use dental floss to remove plaque from between the teeth and areas adjacent to the gum borders, before the lime layer on the teeth because it can only be removed by a specialist dentist.
- Limit ingestion of sugary or starchy foods, especially viscous ones. As the consumption of these foods increases, the proportion of harmful acids in plaque increases by attacking tooth enamel. Thus, decay increases.
- Visit your dentist regularly to clean your teeth and remedy any health problems that may occur in the mouth and teeth.
What are the most important dental issues that an adult should be aware of:
Gum disease: Even if you regularly brush and floss, you may experience health problems with the health of your mouth and teeth. Fortunately, your dentist can help you overcome these problems successfully. One of the common problems is 'infections and gum disease', which can only be successfully treated in its initial stages. The gums are made up of a strong bone that connects the teeth to the jaw and a soft flesh cover that covers and protects the bone. Gum infections first affect the soft flesh yams.
Symptoms of gum infections include:
- Red gums
- Swelling of the gums
- Bleeding gums when brushing teeth
In the case of any of these symptoms, the adult should rush to see the dentist to avoid exacerbation of the problem and treat it in its initial stages before gingivitis turns into gum disease. After long periods of gingivitis, bacteria begin to break up the bone that links the teeth, which is called gum disease. One of the most important symptoms of gum disease is the receding of the gums, causing long teeth.
Gum disease not only causes tooth pain and loss, but gum disease has negative effects on the entire body.
Recent studies have shown a link between gum disease and other diseases that affect overall body health.
Some of these diseases include:
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Premature births (childbirth of premature babies).
- Brushing teeth twice a day and using dental floss daily will help avoid gum disease, in addition to visiting your dentist periodically every six months to clean your teeth and mouth.
Tooth decay: If an adult has a previous filling on one of his teeth, that tooth will be at risk of decay again. So here will also help brush your teeth using floss and toothpaste containing fluoride in addition to visiting the dentist periodically in reducing exposure to it.
Tooth sensitivity: The problem of tooth sensitivity increases with age. The gums around the teeth naturally recede over time from the teeth, a problem of voids between the gums and the tooth, and the tooth becomes exposed to external factors in the mouth because it is not covered with enamel. These portions of the tooth from which the gums recede are prone to pain when drinking hot or cold drinks or foods. Teeth also become sensitive when exposed to cold air, or when drinking sour or sweet foods. If you have tooth sensitivity, an adult should use an anti-allergic toothpaste. If anti-allergic toothpaste does not benefit in the treatment of tooth sensitivity and the problem persists, an adult should see the dentist, as dental allergies may be a symptom of many oral and dental diseases. Such as: broken tooth or decay.
Crown: Crowns are used to strengthen damaged or weak teeth. The crown covers the entire damaged tooth. In addition to strengthening the damaged tooth, the crown is used to improve its color, appearance and consistency with the rest of the teeth. Bridges and dental implants are used to compensate or replace teeth previously lost (due to dislocation or otherwise).
Dental implants: These materials compensate for tooth deficiency by installing or implanting a new tooth. It is also used in the plastering or installation of dentures, either complete or partial. An adult should consult his or her dentist before performing any implants or dental stitches.
Bridges: Bridges are commonly used to replace the loss of one or more teeth. The bridge connects what's left of your teeth and fills the void created by the missing teeth.
How adults can get white teeth:
Cleaning your teeth at your dentist or specialist will remove the external stains from the teeth caused by eating or smoking. Using toothpaste on a daily basis reduces stains and stays on white teeth between visits to the doctor. If the stains layer on the teeth is old, an adult may need teeth whitening sessions by a specialist to remove them completely.
How adult diets can affect oral and dental health:
In addition to the important role that good nutrition plays on overall body health, it is also essential for the health of teeth and gums. Good nutrition provides gum and tooth tissue with the important nutrients and minerals you need to stay strong and resistant to infections that cause different gum disease.
In addition, solid foods containing fiber such as:
Fruits and vegetables help to clean teeth and strengthen gum tissue unlike soft and sticky foods where they are attached or remain in the spaces on and between the teeth made up of plaque. The bacteria found in plaque produce harmful acids that attack teeth for 20 minutes or more after eating foods or beverages that contain sugars or starches.