Coffee, Cake and Dental Health

The sugar in cakes are a risk factor for gum infections and tooth decay. According to studies, regular muffins contain five times more sugar than oatmeal cookies. The amount of sugar and cream in your coffee can also increase the cavity-causing bacteria.
What can you do to reduce the sugar your teeth receive from this common breakfast mix?
- Don't have your coffee or pick up that cake all morning. Eat it in the shortest possible time.
- Reducing the time that sugars stay in your mouth reduces tooth decay.
- Rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste as soon as you finish your meals.
- Reduce the sugar and sweetened cream in coffee.
- Replace breakfast with healthy options. If you have time, consider making sugar-free oatmeal with nuts or fruit, or have portable snacks like bananas, boiled eggs, and cheese.