Dental Tips for Cold and Flu Season

A cold or flu can affect your mouth. Here's what you can do to keep your teeth healthy.
1Brush your teeth thoroughly.The disease can be stressful, but be sure to brush and floss your teeth. Remember to spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth at least twice a day.
2Drink a lot of fluids.When you're sick, your body needs extra fluids to fight infection. Dry mouth is a common problem, especially when you can't breathe easily through your nose. Since saliva is a key player in controlling caries-causing bacteria, dry mouth can increase the chances of tooth decay and gum disease. Do yourself a favour by drinking water, soup and juice.
3Gargling with salt waterMelt a tablespoon of salt water in a glass of warm water. You're being seduced by it. This helps reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth and throat, reducing the effects of bad breath and plaques.
4Choose a sugar-free medicineMany drops of cough and drink packed with sugar to sweeten the dose. Sugar can cause tooth decay and damage gums. Shop smartly by looking for a local medicine with sugar substitutes such as Xylitol or Sucralose. If you can't find sugar-free alternatives, be sure to splint or water afterwards. If the medication is acidic, wait at least half an hour before using the brush to make the enamel harden.