Mouth Patches

Some mouth patches are white or gray and appear on the tongue or cheeks from the inside. Chronic irritation of the mucous oral membranes causes them to appear in the mouth. They may also appear in female genital parts or areas, and the causes are still unknown. There is no specific age for oral spots, but they are more common in the elderly. When the surface or texture of the mouth spots is rough or hard, it is an unusual or abnormal form of mouth spots. People living with AIDS are most vulnerable to this type of type of disease. They appear specifically on the cheeks from the inside or on the tongue and rarely appear elsewhere in the mouth.] White mouth patches are similar to those produced by oral fungi. Adults with a malfunction in their immune system are usually infected with oral fungi. This condition may be one of the first indicators of AIDS.
1What are the causes of mouth patches?Sharp tooth surfaces, fillings, crowns, improperly mounted dentures come into contact with gums or cheeks from the inside. Continuous smoking, pipe smoking, eating tobacco products. Exposing lips to the sun. Oral cancer is rare. Herpes virus or AIDS.
2What are the causes of mouth patches?
- Sharp tooth surfaces, fillings, crowns, improperly mounted dentures come into contact with gums or cheeks from the inside.
- Continuous smoking, pipe smoking, eating tobacco products.
- Exposing lips to the sun.
- Oral cancer is rare.
- Herpes virus or AIDS.
3What are the symptoms of mouth patches?
- White or gray spots appear on the tongue, gums, mouth ceiling, or on the cheeks from the inside.
- As the weeks go by and possibly months go by, these spots become thick, prominent, and eventually their membranes become rough and harsh.
- Their appearance is usually not accompanied by any pain, but they are sensitive when touched, exposed to heat, when eating marinated foods or when exposed to any other irritating causes in the mouth.
4How is mouth stains diagnosed?
Your dentist can suspect you of oral spots by performing some tests, but it is advisable to remove live tissue from the mouth for study and examination to rule out any other diseases that may be a health complication, such as oral cancer. You are drugged first so you don't feel any pain when you remove the living tissue from your mouth, specifically from a stain in the mouth and examine it in the lab.
5How to treat mouth patches?
he treatment of oral patches depends on the removal of its causes, for example:
- If one of the rough tooth surfaces, fillings, and dentures are contacted by the gums or cheeks from the inside, the condition is treated by polishing the surface of these teeth or repairing fillings or dentures.
- If smoking is the cause, you should reduce or quit smoking or use any tobacco products.