Yellow Teeth

There are many reasons for yellow or discoloration of teeth from normal white.
1Reasons for yellow or discoloration of teeth from normal white
Food and drink: Food and beverages that contribute to tooth change:
- Coffee
- Tea
- Cola
- Liquor
Use of tobacco products: smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco products.
Lack of dental health care: Not brushing and flossing properly to remove plaque, coffee or tobacco from the teeth that change the color of the teeth.
Some diseases, Under these diseases are:
- Diseases that negatively affect the enamel layer (the outer layer that gives hardness to the teeth). Some diseases also affect the ivory of the tooth (the sublayer of the tooth below the enamel layer) and in all cases lead to tooth discoloration.
Some treatments or methods of detecting diseases may contribute to tooth discoloration, such as:
- Radiation used for head and neck
- Chemotherapy
- Certain infections affect the expectant mother, which negatively affects the stages of the formation of the enamel layer in her fetus and that underdeveloped layer.
Genetic factors: People vary in the thickness and color of the enamel layer depending on the nature of their teeth and their composition or by different genetic factors. The thicker the enamel layer the thicker the yellowing teeth will yellow.
Environmental factors: excessive use of fluoride, both from environmental sources (e.g. high rates of fluoride in drinking water) and from fluoride-containing products (e.g. those in toothpaste, mouthwash and additional mouth extensions) that contribute in all cases to tooth decay.
Bruises or bumps on the mouth: For example, when a young child falls for a reason and damages his teeth, it hinders the growth of the enamel layer, which is one of the most important factors that help maintain normal tooth color. These bruises also have a significant effect on the discoloration of adult teeth, as they are a problem not only for children.
2Reasons for yellow or discoloration of teeth from normal white
Food and drink: Food and beverages that contribute to tooth change:
- Coffee
- Tea
- Cola
- Liquor
Use of tobacco products: smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco products.
Lack of dental health care: Not brushing and flossing properly to remove plaque, coffee or tobacco from the teeth that change the color of the teeth.
Some diseases, Under these diseases are:
- Diseases that negatively affect the enamel layer (the outer layer that gives hardness to the teeth). Some diseases also affect the ivory of the tooth (the sublayer of the tooth below the enamel layer) and in all cases lead to tooth discoloration.
Some treatments or methods of detecting diseases may contribute to tooth discoloration, such as:
- Radiation used for head and neck
- Chemotherapy
- Certain infections affect the expectant mother, which negatively affects the stages of the formation of the enamel layer in her fetus and that underdeveloped layer.
Genetic factors: People vary in the thickness and color of the enamel layer depending on the nature of their teeth and their composition or by different genetic factors. The thicker the enamel layer the thicker the yellowing teeth will yellow.
Environmental factors: excessive use of fluoride, both from environmental sources (e.g. high rates of fluoride in drinking water) and from fluoride-containing products (e.g. those in toothpaste, mouthwash and additional mouth extensions) that contribute in all cases to tooth decay.
Bruises or bumps on the mouth: For example, when a young child falls for a reason and damages his teeth, it hinders the growth of the enamel layer, which is one of the most important factors that help maintain normal tooth color. These bruises also have a significant effect on the discoloration of adult teeth, as they are a problem not only for children.
3How can I avoid yellow teeth?
You have to change some of your daily habits such as:
- Quit smoking and drinking coffee.
- Take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly and checking with your dentist every 6 months to clean your teeth medically and healthily.
If your teeth yellow without any previous justifications, and this yellowing continues even with adherence to the habits of oral and dental hygiene, and if there are other symptoms of injury, you should check with your dentist immediately.
4How can I avoid yellow teeth?
You have to change some of your daily habits such as:
- Quit smoking and drinking coffee.
- Take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly and checking with your dentist every 6 months to clean your teeth medically and healthily.
If your teeth yellow without any previous justifications, and this yellowing continues even with adherence to the habits of oral and dental hygiene, and if there are other symptoms of injury, you should check with your dentist immediately.
5What treatment methods are available to whiten teeth and remove yellow color?
The treatment method used to whiten the teeth or restore their natural color varies according to the cause that leads to yellowing or staining of these methods:
- Use proper techniques in brushing teeth and toothpaste for teeth whitening.
- Avoid eating foods and drinks that cause yellowing of the teeth.
- Use white fillings.
- Use of crowns.
- The use of cosmetic veneers for the front teeth - Veneers.
- The use of teeth whitening medications that are available to the patient from pharmacies without the need for a prescription.
6What treatment methods are available to whiten teeth and remove yellow color?
The treatment method used to whiten the teeth or restore their natural color varies according to the cause that leads to yellowing or staining of these methods:
- Use proper techniques in brushing teeth and toothpaste for teeth whitening.
- Avoid eating foods and drinks that cause yellowing of the teeth.
- Use white fillings.
- Use of crowns.
- The use of cosmetic veneers for the front teeth - Veneers.
- The use of teeth whitening medications that are available to the patient from pharmacies without the need for a prescription.
7What are the methods of treatment available for whitening teeth and removing their yellow color?
The treatment method used to whiten the teeth or restore their natural color varies according to the cause that leads to yellowing or staining of these methods: Use proper techniques in brushing teeth and toothpaste for teeth whitening. Avoid eating foods and drinks that cause yellowing of the teeth. Use white fillings. Use of crowns. The use of cosmetic veneers for the front teeth - Veneers. The use of teeth whitening medications that are available to the patient from pharmacies without the need for a prescription.
8What are the methods of treatment available for whitening teeth and removing their yellow color?
The treatment method used to whiten the teeth or restore their natural color varies according to the cause that leads to yellowing or staining of these methods: Use proper techniques in brushing teeth and toothpaste for teeth whitening. Avoid eating foods and drinks that cause yellowing of the teeth. Use white fillings. Use of crowns. The use of cosmetic veneers for the front teeth - Veneers. The use of teeth whitening medications that are available to the patient from pharmacies without the need for a prescription.