To Asnan Kids
Asnan Tower in Kuwait provides high-quality and comprehensive dental care for infants and children, including those with special needs.
Asnan Kids is designed in a loving way; your children will spend their time in the clinic in a comfortable environment where we provide preventative oral health care from birth to adolescence and educate them through their dental journey.
The safe and comfortable environment makes your child's visit enjoyable and educational from start to finish.

Browse the different characters in the kids section.
Nice to see you here! I'm Mr. Tooth. I help you chew your food so your body can get the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. When you take care of me, I promise to stay white and strong forever.
Hey there! I'm Brushy.I use my fine hair to help remove bacteria in hard-to-reach places, giving you a great smile. Don't forget to let me brush your teeth before bed and after meals.
SMILE! I'm Mrs. Tooth. Do you know that smiling makes you happier and helps you spread happiness? Keep me white and shiny, and I'll help you dazzle others with your smile.
Hey there! I'm Superpaste. I use my strength to fight away plaque & bacteria from ruining your teeth so your teeth can stay clean and your breath feel fresh.
Hi! I'm Flossy. I remove the food between your teeth, even the ones that Miss Brushy can't reach! I help you make sure bacteria have no place to hide in your mouth

General Anesthesia
Children with special needs often have general anesthesia for dental treatment as a way to avoid the risk of injury and excessive stress. Unfortunately, many people with special needs suffer from severe dental pain. If left untreated, toothache will negatively affect learning, communication, nutrition and other activities necessary for normal growth and development. Comprehensive dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia is an excellent procedure, it takes 1-2 hours maximum to complete the entire treatment and has no side effects.

Laughing Gas
Scientifically known as nitrous oxide, it is a mixture of nitrous gas with oxygen that helps children who have a high rate of fear and stress during treatment, to relax. It calms the nerves and gives a pleasant feeling of comfort and happiness, so the child forgets what happened during the treatment as if he is flying from happiness. It is completely safe and its effect on the child is fleeting, as he can go home or school immediately after completing the treatment.

The Importance of Preventative Treatments
Plaque is mostly made up of bacteria, which feed on sugar from food and drink. They produce acids that attack the teeth causing cavities, tooth pain, infections, and gum disease. For children who have a lot of cavities, a pediatric dentist may recommend additional fluoride. A pediatric dentist can also seal the decay before it occurs, by applying sealants to the surface of the teeth. Sealants are clear plastic materials that are coated on the surface of the tooth. They act as a barrier for food and bacteria, thus protecting areas prone to cavities. It is recommended to visit a pediatric dentist every six months from the first birthday of the child. Healthy eating habits lead to healthy teeth. The teeth, bones and soft tissues of the mouth, like the rest of the body, need a balanced diet. Advise your child not to eat hard candy etc. because they remain in the mouth for a long time and are unstable. Moreover, the pediatric dentist at Asnan Tower is trained to deal with your child in a distinctive and motivating way to make him love the doctor and visit him periodically.

Protective Fillings
It is placed on the cavities of permanent molars when they have completed their appearance in the mouth and reduce the rate of caries, it is the best in terms of prevention and does not require tooth preparation.
Therapeutic Cosmetic Fillings
These fillings are placed on the permanent teeth to treat caries, block the cavity resulting from caries, and preserve the natural tooth.

Root Canal and Crown Treatments
Untreated neuritis of the milky tooth can adversely affect the color, shape and structure of the permanent tooth. The deciduous molar has its own structure, its own nerve, and is separated from the permanent molar by a bony area. The bony area and the roots of the milk molar begin to decompose with the eruption of the permanent molar and the molar begins to fall out.

Premolar Crowns for Deciduous Teeth
The crown is placed on the tooth after nerve treatment, especially if the caries are large. The function of the premolar deciduous tooth is to maintain the distance until the growth of the perpetual premolars, to preserve the bone and facilitate the child’s chewing. The crown is therefore a key factor in your child's daily practices, such as eating and pronunciation.

Milk teeth extraction
Oral and dental health is one of the main pillars that parents focus on, and they try to teach their child how to take care of it. For example, they teach him how to brush his teeth, make sure to provide him with healthy snacks for his teeth, and encourage him to drink water. But despite all their best efforts, their child is at risk of suffering from primary caries. However, is it healthy to remove decayed milk teeth? Decayed milk tooth extraction your child will never need to have their milk teeth extracted. However, this procedure is sometimes necessary to improve your child's overall health. A dentist may have to perform an extraction for a number of reasons, including severe tooth decay and as part of orthodontic treatment. As for the other cases:
- Extensive tooth decay that cannot be treated with a composite filling.
- Severe inflammation of the blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues in the center of the tooth that cannot be repaired by any other treatment.
- Unnecessary extra teeth that prevent other teeth from growing properly. The tissues around it are infected, causing gum disease.
- The tooth has been fractured so that it cannot be repaired with bonding material.
- Regardless of why the tooth must be extracted, the doctor usually only resorts to extraction for cases where there is no other treatment option that would cure the infection or solve the problem.
- Methods of treating decayed milk teeth
Early Braces
This type of orthodontic is used for children with upper or lower jaw protrusion, which causes teeth crowding or protrusion, thus medical intervention begins to help the jaw grow properly and reduces the rate of surgical intervention in the future if the orthodontist has called it at the right time. For the best results, it is preferable to see the child at the age of 8. It is divided into two phases: The first stage: the device works to modify the positions of the muscles thus modifying the problems of the jaw and ensure its consistency in the future. The second stage: The second device works to modify the teeth positions.

Used in cases of:
- Poor jaw alignment
- Difficulty in chewing or biting Infant’s
- Thumb sucking or tongue pushing the teeth
- The early loss of a tooth resulting in crowding of teeth on or the appearance of large gaps between the teeth.
- Small jaw tightness
- The inverted bite is for one or more teeth.

Space Maintenance
In the case of early extraction of the posterior primary teeth of your child, the distance keeper fixes the rest of the teeth and maintains the existing distances for the teeth that will appear later. It protects against crowding of the teeth due to the vacuum and thus reduces the child’s need in the future for orthodontics. If your child loses one of his front teeth (from one to four teeth), this type of distance keeper gives a beautiful shape to the teeth, which gives the child greater self-confidence. He can eat all foods very naturally without any problems and help your child to chew healthy and well.